One of the by-products of acting fearlessly is success. I said "fearlessly" not "foolhardily".
If you look around you at successful people, not necessarily wealthy people, and investigate their journey, it will become clear that risks needed to be taken along the way. It's true that certain specific achievements such as obtaining a university degree or a professional qualification can be realised without the need to take any gambles; or very few.
There are numerous necessities that go into a person's attributes leading to them moving ahead from often humble beginnings. Look at The Beatles and The Rolling Stones to name but two international super acts. Consider Sir Richard Branson and Duncan Bannatyne.
Doubtless in the forging their various and different enterprises they all enjoyed a slice of luck along the way. They all worked hard and persistently refusing to surrender when misfortune came their way. None of these people sat on their laurels. They advanced and continued to advance long after many other people would have stopped and put their feet up. Why is that do you think? What was the driving force? What made them so special?
I believe it all comes down to mindset.
When I first asked my mother to show me how to bake an apple tart, she asked me "What's the first thing to do?" I replied that we should peel the apples. "No!" she said. "the first thing you do is wash your hands."
In order to give ourselves a better chance of achieving our initial objectives we must first be clear, in our own minds, what these are. Then, before launching ourselves into the technicalities of our project, we must first seek out the correct frame of mind. This is like washing our hands before beginning cooking. Unless we are "in the mood" to begin whatever it is we wish to attempt, we must first clear our minds and emotions. We must find a feeling of serenity. We must not fear failure. We can accept it may happen but we must not fear it.
Also, we must not fear success. Yes, that's right, we must not fear success. Many people unwittingly are afraid of what their friends or family with think of them if they do the seemingly impossible. Obtain a Gold Medal at the Olympic Games. Become an accomplished artist or a renowned barrister. In other words "rising above their level". Going further than other people expect or desire. Creating jealousy and disharmony because they become someone "special"
We must not feel guilty whether we fail or we succeed; and we must be clear about this before we set out. We must become impervious to the opinions of others. It is our opinion of ourselves which counts in the end. When we are on our deathbeds we shall be alone with ourselves and with our conscience. Let's not have any missed opportunities upon which to look back.